So will Stu. And that guy. Here’s hoping these guys can make it to. Awesome.
All posts by Steph
Link platter lunch

My thanks to Jen for sharing this article on the amazing work of Li Wei. It’s performance art meets photography and I love it. Excerpt from the article:
After dropping out of art school and dabbling in oil painting, Li decided to focus on action art because, as he puts it, only it “offers a chance to experience an action’s message through one’s own body.”
Darragh is jumping/being thrown out of a plane in the name of charity next weekend. Here’s where you can make your donation. If he manages to TwitPic it on the way down, I’ll give him another fiver
Dublin City Soul Festival is hitting Dublin this weekend and it’s shaping up to be awesome.
McAWilliams has some beautiful shots from his first wedding shoot on
Peter is putting it up to RTE and Richard Corrigan over slaughtering animals on telly.
Ikea Dublin is opening in just 9 weeks on July 27th. God help my bank account.
Jerry Fish & The Mudbug Club are at the Academy in Dublin this Saturday & they give me my choice of song for the day:
Songs committed to memory, not talking iPods here…

A random exchange on Twitter sparked by a mention of Coldplay’s “Don’t Panic” got me thinking about where I first heard that song. It’s one of those songs that had such an impact on me for whatever reason – beauty, emotional significance, lyrics, whatever – that I can pinpoint with photographic memory exactly where I was when I first heard it.
In this case it was a summers’ evening some time after 9pm. Myself and my siblings had been rounded up as we often were to move some cattle from one field to another with my dad. I remember sitting in the car afterwards while dad closed up gates etc & the radio was on in the car. That song came on & I remember gasping & telling the others in the back to shut up & listen. Beautiful piece of music. I own 2 Coldplay albums, haven’t listened to them in years but still love that song. Here’s the Google Mappage of where exactly I was for anyone nosey enough.
Anyone else have tales like these to share?
Burren Marathon Challenge

Never a dull moment down at home it seems these days! This weekend the annual Burren Marathon Challenge is taking place in my native Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare. Last year over 1,000 people took part in the event and this year they are expecting around 1,500.
The event is hosted & organised by the Ballyvaughan Fanore Walking Club which has grown its membership of 13 to 130 since being founded in 2006. There are 3 different routes to choose from and you can walk/jog/run whichever you feel up to:
- Mini Marathon (6 miles)
- Half Marathon (13 miles & participants must be over 16yrs)
- Full Marathon (26 miles & participants must be over 16yrs)
It’s a fantastic chance to get some fresh Atlantic air into the lungs while taking in some truly amazing scenery. Unfortunately registration closed last week & there won’t be any further registrations made for this year’s event but keep an eye on the Ballyvaughan Fanore Walking Club website for info on their frequent organised walks around north Clare & south Galway. If you are taking part in the marathon this weekend, the very best of luck & don’t forget the hiking boots!

And for anyone around the area this Saturday, a BBQ and a few sociables will be had in Logues Lodge, Ballyvaughan that evening with entertainment provided by my cousins from Aran, The Mulkerrin Brothers.
Siege of Ennis – congrats to all involved!
As luck would have it, too many things fell upon the one weekend & I couldn’t make the journey down home for the Siege of Ennis world record attempt in aid of Special Olympics Ireland. Talking to my dad last night he said the weather on the day was absolutely awful as you will see from the video. But fair play to the 5,000+ that turned up and gave it socks on such a miserable wet day!
Props to my little first cousin Sean Keane who can be seen stepping it out in his lovely blue & gold uniform (and ocassionally wearing an Obama baseball cap!) on the podium above the crowd
You can still make a donation to the Special Olympics via the event website by clicking here.