Category Archives: Events

Friday @ Summer Sensational, Temple Bar

So Friday is almost upon us and it’s set to be a busy day at Summer Sensational in Temple Bar. Here’s the rough scheme of things for today:

Some cherry-picked musical highlights of the day:

Play with Music at The Contemporary Music Centre

The CMC are hosting a range of installations by multimedia students from around Ireland. Bring the little ones (of 4+) and get creative with the sounds, sights and gadgets at CMC between 1 and 4pm. More info available here.

A Musical Menu at The Queen of Tarts

A delicious slice of cake in one of the yummiest places in town with a string trio on the side? Fancy that? Well then head for The Queen of Tarts on Cow’s Lane at 3pm.

Julie Feeney & Tarab at Meeting House Square

The gorgeous poppy sounds of Galway girl Julie Feeney followed by a lively mix of jazz and traditional music from across Europe in the form of Tarab at Meeting House Square at 7pm. It’s free but you better book your tickets here quickly!

Dirty Dancing – Movies on the Square

What better way to round up a musical day in Temple Bar than with this 80′s classic. Get ready to dance in the aisles (well, the street I guess) and sing along. Tickets are going faster than you can say “no-one leaves Baby in the corner” so get in touch with TBCT now! Starts at 10.30pm.

See you there!

Thursday @ Summer Sensational, Temple Bar

And we’re off! Here’s the rough outline for the first day of the Summer Sensational in Temple Bar:

My hand-picked highlights:

Cardboard City workshop with the Irish Architecture Foundation.

Think you might have the next Richard Rogers on your hands? Why not your little ones flex their architecture muscles at a fun hands-on workshop.

  • When: 8th-11th July from 11am-1pm
  • Where: 5 Scarlet Row, West Essex Street, Old City, Temple Bar
  • Age: 9 – 12yrs old
  • Price: FREE—booking required, click here for details.

Cirque de Legume

I saw this at Absolut Fringe last year and I laughed until it hurt. You’ll either love or hate this crazy circus duo.

  • When: Thursday, 7pm
  • Where: Meeting House Square
  • Age: all
  • Price: FREE

Check out the full programme here or if you’re around town do grab yourself one of the programmes to help plan our your weekend in and around Temple Bar.

Summer Sensational festival hits Temple Bar this weekend

One of the best little festivals of the year hits Dublin city centre from Thursday until Sunday, the 8th to 11th of July. The Summer Sensational will be bringing all sorts of fun for all age groups to various venues in Temple Bar including circus acts, outdoor movie screenings, creative workshops for kiddies, walking tours, storytelling, photography exhibitions and more.

It’s a pretty busy programme so here’s a rough outline of what’s on for the weekend that I’ve put together.

You can click here to download it as a PDF or big JPG if that’s your persuasion. The full festival website is here and programme PDF here.

One of the best things about the festival is that most events are FREE. Some are ticketed however so check the website or get in touch with the box office in advance to find out. You can get them at:

Temple Bar Cultural Trust Box Office (TBCT)
TBCT Box Office opens on 17th June
12 East Essex Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2.
01 677 2255

You can keep an eye on what’s happening via Twitter at @tbct or even give me a shout at @cloudsteph.

For all the shutterbugs there’s a photo competition happening too. Here’s the details:

Capture culture in Temple Bar during The Summer Sensational and be in with a chance to win a four course dinner for two at La Dolce Vita, a delicious Italian wine bar in the heart of the Old City area of Temple Bar. Competition guidelines available on

Despite being a lover of all things artsy, creative and festivals (especially the free sort) it’s probably important to point out that I’ve agreed to help TBCT out with spreading the word about the festival this year best I can. Over the next few days I’ll be blogging, tweeting and telling whoever I meet what I think they might enjoy going along to but don’t worry, my judgement isn’t clouded by the chance of bagging a free phone. If I do win it, it’s a bonus and will be going to a good home.

Hopefully see you around Temple Bar this weekend!

Let’s break a world record at SPWC Dublin this weekend

They say pictures can paint a thousand words. I agree. The photo on the right sums up the awesomeness SPWC Cork perfectly! If you’d like to be similarly shocked, awed and amazed then you should get your ass into Merrion Square this weekend for the Dublin leg of the biggest yet Street Performance World Championships.

While you’re there (and speaking of asses) you might also fancy a go at getting into the Guinness Book of World Records. The SPWC crew and 1500 hopping mad people from all over come to take part in our attempt to break the world record for the most people on simultaneously hopping on space hoppers.

Up for it? Then just send your name and email to It’s all happening on Sunday at 2pm on Upper Mount Street. More info available here.

Fire Guy

It’s going to be a super fun and busy weekend for kids of all ages, from 5 to 95. Bring your camera, maybe something to sit on and soak up the atmosphere in Merrion Square over the weekend. Full timetables and info on who’s performing is available on the blog at

See you there!