Category Archives: Random

Ticketmaster usability flaw?

I arrived at the Ticketmaster website this morning to try get me some Nick Cave tickets. This gig was selling really fast so add that frantic rush to it’s 9am and I haven’t had any coffee yet. Where did I automatically start clicking to select my tickets? Why the first ticket type option of course.

“There are currently no tickets available for this event.” Or something to that effect is presented. WHAT?! It’s sold out alerady?! I was repeatedly bashing away at the site in hope for another 5 mins before I realised I was selecting Wheelchair Attendant tickets and not the usual Full Price option, which is at the bottom.

Between that and the CAPTCHA and MasterCard SecureCode hurdles, I’m worn out. Am I the only one who thinks this form is really badly laid out? No offence to wheelchair users and their attendants but they are in the minority of customers at this point of sale. Or maybe I’m just a bit thick.

I got my tickets in the end. If you’re a wheelchair attendant who was trying to get a ticket, hope you had better luck than I.


Caster SemenyaYesterday @irishstu tweeted an anagram of his name - Wry, cuter star (Stewart Curry). Today I decided to throw my own into the internet machine and see what came back.

Stephanie Francis =  If praise enchants

After I tweeted it, I got a bunch of replies with other name anagrams ranging from the awesome to the ridiculous and I thought I’d share some of them…

@christianhughes – Raunchiest highs

@gavreilly – Vanilla grey, Relying lava or Vaginal lyre

@alancostello – Atonal cellos

@Wexxie – A lone milky

@blogtackular - A margarita lash

@curlydena – A lead wanker

@EmilyAm – I’m my healer

And seeing they were so amusing/bemusing I decided to throw a few more names in…

Darragh Doyle = Or hardly aged

Danielle Huntrods (@dhuntrods) = Insulted halo nerd

Michael Anthony Francis (my dad) = Half-shy maniac or cretin

Jenni Prosser (@coloradojenn) = Porn jeers sin

Lance Armstrong = Strong clean arm

Brian Lenihan = Hen nail brain

Mary Harney = Hymen array

New York Times = The Monkey’s Write (via @tiredhack)

Caster Semenya = Necessary mate OR yes secret man (via @mark_coughlan)

Ah, the internet…

I can has Ukulele?

So all that listening to the amazing Luka Bloom yesterday got me thinking about how much I wish I could play guitar.

I bought an acoustic guitar with my first paycheque from my first ever job at 15. I didn’t know much about them and ended up being sold a huge thing with a thick fret and steel strings. Not very playable for someone with short girlie fingers. So I learned a few chords but never did much else coz well, it hurt and I struggled to make chord shapes with short little fingers.

So yesterday I thought “what about a little Ukulele?” and I might just go ahead and give it a go this weekend.

So Ukulele connoisseurs, any advice on what to buy/not buy/where to go in Dublin for one?