Before I begin to try and put words around what I saw last night at The Project Arts Centre, I have to hold my hands up and warn you that I am not a writer, or a critic (of the official sense) or anything like that. I’m just a girl who likes theatre and likes to tell others about the things she likes in the hope that someone else out there might enjoy these things too.
None of you will have seen anything like this before in your lives even if you have already seen this before…
That’s me paraphrasing Shane Byrne’s introduction. He was right. He warned that we, the audience, would never be the same again. He was right.
It’s chaotic, funny, energetic, engaging and frighteningly good at putting a finger right on the pulse of twenty-somethings in Ireland today and amplifying it. Or, not to sound arrogant, maybe it was just my pulse? At some stage during the performance – maybe between the Stone Roses and ripping apart of phonebooks – I remember staring directly at the stage and thinking “fuck, that’s exactly it”.
Like I said at the beginning of this post, I’m not a writer, I just like theatre and stuff and sharing experiences. I reckon if any production can make you feel like you’re the only person in the audience in a huge black room and thinking “fuck, that’s exactly it”, it’s a sign of a good show.
Go and see it. Dylan Haskins is chairing a discussion after Thursday night’s production and there’s a promise of bonus deleted scenes for those who go on Friday.
Nice work THEATREclub – you’ve successfully blown my mind once again. Tickets. Info. Stalking. More stalking.