So Lottie tagged me yesterday & sadly, I have a soft spot for these things – hopefully it’s a passing phase like those evil cup-a-soups.
Eight things I like
- A good coffee at a steady pace in the morning enjoyed
- Lying in bed on a wet night with the window open listening to rain pattering outside
- When a plan comes together
- Having an iPhone that works
- Pizza, red wine & feet up on Friday nights
- Days & nights when the time just doesn’t matter
- Singing
- The company of good people
Eight things I did yesterday
- Noted I really need to drink more water
- Took the 39 bus for the first time
- Revisited code I wrote nearly 2 years ago & realised I’ve learned a LOT since then
- Saw & heard the BYU Singers & fell more in love with singing
- Dreamed about running away with BYU Singers (both conciously & in sleep)
- Vowed to learn how to dance a set this year
- Received a shiny new replacement iPhone from Apple
- Had a filthy burger for dinner
Eight things I wish I could do
- Give my dad a holiday
- Give Nana 2 new hips
- Wake up tomorrow cured of IBS
- Be more sociable
- Have more patience
- Make it so Ireland gets a minimum of 1 month of sunny weather each summer
- Teleport
- Sing with the rocking Gardiner Street Gospel Choir
Eight things I don’t like
- Hypocrisy
- Greed
- Bullshit
- Bitching
- Laziness
- Hair anywhere near my food
- Cigarettes & smokers
- The smell of petrol
I hereby tag Mr. Rick O’Shea.
I danced with the Gardiner Street Gospel Choir. Is that any good?
(please install this plugin)
Ah yes you did & I’ve seen it too
Installed said plugin. Is it working?
Hell yes it is.